The computer donation ceremony between TNG and UEH took place on August 22 at the school's office, with Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong – Rector; Phan Thi Bich Nguyet – Vice-Rector; Director of the Innovation Institute MSc. Bui Quang Hung – Head of Finance and Accounting Department, Deputy Director of the Innovation Institute; and representatives of the relevant Departments and Institutes in attendance.

Mr. Vu Hoang Tue, Deputy General Director, and Mr. Dang Quoc Bao, Director of Communication Department, represented Trungnam Group.

TNG's computer will be used by the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City's Innovation Institute (UII), which was founded to promote activities and create an environment for innovation both inside and outside of UEH through training research consulting cooperation, and innovation support services.

Mr. Bui Quang Hung, Deputy Director of the UEH Innovation Institute, opened the program by briefly introducing the Innovation Institute's activities. The UEH Innovation Institute is the first unit transferred by Singapore Management University (SMU) to Singapore's successful innovation center model. The Institute's goal until 2019 is to collect fresh business ideas from students to join innovation incubators, develop two startup businesses, and participate in two international innovation projects.

At the awarding ceremony, Mr. Vu Hoang Tue expressed his hope that the sponsorship package of ten computers for UEH would motivate UEH lecturers and students to continue promoting their abilities and contribute more to the development, service, and support of UEH. Better service in information connection, innovation, and future internationalization of higher education in Vietnam.

Ms. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Vice-Rector, thanked TNG for the significant gift to the school's training and scientific research activities on behalf of the School Board of Directors. At the same time, the school stated, "The school will make effective and maximum use of the gift of TNG in the development of UEH."

The government has given EUH autonomy and self-responsibility to achieve a breakthrough in improving training quality. When the school reaches a high level of independence, it will be required to invest in more modern facilities and teaching equipment for training activities, scientific research, and school development. This meaningful gift will provide UII with additional equipment for research and information connection for university innovation activities aimed at future internationalization of higher education in Vietnam.

Một số hình ảnh trong buổi Lễ:

Mr. Vu Hoang Tue, Deputy General Director of Trungnam Group, presented UEH with a computer valued at VND 330 million./em>


Communication Department/TNG.