The buying price of solar land, floating solar power, rooftop solar electricity is 7.09 Cent / kWh, 7.69 Cent / kWh, 8.38 Cent / kWh respectively. Ninh Thuan province enjoys the preferential price of buying solar electricity at 9.35 Cent / kWh. These are formation stated in Decision No. 13/2020 / QD-TTg on mechanisms to encourage the development of solar power in Vietnam, issued by the Prime Minister on April 6.

According to this, grid-connected solar power projects with investment policy decisions before November 23, 2019, and commercial operation date of the project from July 2019 to December 31, 2020, a project will be applying to the new price list. The purchase price of solar PV project is 7,09 cents/kWh (equivalent to VND 1,644); the purchase price for the floating solar power is 7.69 cents/kWh (equivalent to VND 1,783); rooftop solar power system’s purchase price is 8.38 cents/kWh (equivalent to VND 1,943). According to the fluctuation of the VND/USD exchange rate and apply for 20 years (starting from the commercial operation date of the project), these prices are not including VAT.
Especially for Ninh Thuan province, the purchase price of electricity from grid-connected solar power projects has been in the development planning at all levels and has a commercial operation date before January 1, 2021, with the total cumulative capacity.
These purchase prices applied to projects with solar cell efficiency greater than 16% or modules greater than 15%; The purchase price of electricity from grid-connected solar power projects that do not meet the above conditions determined through the competition mechanism.

The cost of purchasing electricity from the above mentioned grid-connected solar power projects accounted for and fully included in the input parameters of the annual electricity wholesale and retail price plan of EVN.
Decision 13 also specifies the connection of grid-connected solar power projects to the electricity system. Accordingly, the electricity seller is responsible for investment, installation, operation, and maintenance of electricity metering equipment, lines, and transformer stations (if any) from the electricity seller's factory to the point of connection. organize the inspection, calibration, and testing of electricity-metering equipment strictly according to the law provisions on measurement./.